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Cambridge Medical student looking to tutor GCSE + A-level maths and science

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I am currently a 2nd-year medical student at the University of Cambridge. I'm looking to tutor students at the level of GCSE and A-level. Having recently gone through the process of GCSEs and A-levels, I understand the extra support some students may need with their studies. My exam techniques allowed me to complete 5 A-levels early. These included maths, biology, chemistry, physics, and further maths for which I received 4 A*s and 1 A. These grades, along with my interview techniques, resulted in my medicine offer. My typical lessons will be around 1 hour and they will be over webcam, but this can be altered for the student's needs. My lessons will be based on what the student expresses as their weak areas along with structured topics. A period of the lesson will be devoted to exam-style questions and techniques. I am a very approachable person who is eager to show that exams can be easily managed with the right tips and resources.
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