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Time management: Whilst working at Oak street garage I was expected to conform to a strict time schedule. This helped me set a strong frontier around my time to enable maximum focus and productivity.
Communication skills: At oak street garage I worked alongside the admin team focusing on customer service. This helped my communication skills as I was expected to answer calls and respond to reviews to ensure customers are completely satisfied with the services received. Furthermore, after receiving training I was able to mirror the professionals by showing a keen enthusiasm whilst interacting with customers. Wanting to draw more customers to this garage I asked my boss if I could find new strategies to increase customers. For e.g. incorporating customer feedback forms at the main desk which would encourage customers leaving the garage to fill in. this in turn gave me the ability to work under stressful situations to ensure customer satisfaction.
Teamwork: Whilst studying at Tauheedul, I was given the opportunity to have an active hand in organizing many fundraisers such as ‘Tauheedul charity day’. This made me enjoy working as a team because I could visibly see the amazing benefits of effective teamwork come to play. Moreover, this has also proven successful whilst I was working at Oak street garage as I could work in conjunction with other people to provide customer satisfaction.
Research: Through English Language I have enhanced my research skills as this subject required a lot of independent research in order to get the best outcomes in exams. This skill as proven practical for me in the wider world. For example, when I did my placement at Granby and was given a task I was unsure about, I was able to put my research skills to use and find out how to do the task to its expected standards. This increased my initiative as I was able to solve problems when left on my own.