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Town/city/borough Birmingham
History Lessons
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Usually teaches classes in
City of Westminster (London)
Westminster Abbey
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History tutor teach students all ages and genders

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As a history teacher, your primary responsibility is to teach and educate students about historical events, concepts, and themes. You will design lesson plans, create assessments, grade assignments, and provide feedback to your students. You will use a variety of instructional methods, such as lectures, discussions, projects, and multimedia resources, to engage students and promote critical thinking.

In addition to teaching, you will also play a role in supporting your students' social and emotional development. You will help create a positive and inclusive classroom environment where students feel safe to ask questions and share their opinions. You will also communicate with parents and colleagues to ensure that students receive the support they need to succeed.

As a history teacher, you must stay up-to-date with current events and research in your field. This will enable you to provide accurate and relevant information to your students and help them understand the world around them.

Being a history teacher can be a challenging but rewarding career. You have the opportunity to shape young minds and inspire curiosity and passion for history. You can help students develop skills that are valuable in all areas of life, including critical thinking, research, and analysis. By fostering a love of learning and a deeper understanding of history, you can help prepare students to become informed and engaged citizens who can contribute to society in meaningful ways.
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