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Renjith Kumar V S
1 reviews
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Town/city/borough Birmingham, Birmingham, Digbeth, Moseley, Sparkbrook, Sparkhill
English as a foreign language Lessons
1 reviews
verified Verified data time More than 10 years teaching experience
Reviews from Renjith Kumar V S's students: Reviews from Renjith Kumar V S's students:
He is a great tutor. He is well experienced in tutoring. He explains each and every module in an understandable manner.
He is a great tutor. He is well experienced in tutoring. He explains each and every module in an understandable manner.
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£2 extra for travel
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Highly experienced Manager and Tutor(Almost 13 Years) in Direct/Online provide affordable and quality tuition classes

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I am having a Master's Degree in English.I am having experience in working with various sectors in financial sector.Also vastly experienced(Almost 13 years) in handling Direct/Online tutorials up to High School classes in India in English and Mathematics.I have a passion towards teaching and still continuing along with my profession, as this will keep me updated in every aspects of my knowledge and career.I can offer you affordable and quality classes too.I will be able to provide you lessons and tips which can easily understandable by everyone.I will help you out and support to achieve a good command over the English language.I will guarantee quality education to all, even from the basics of English language.My students will be able to grasp each and everything even if they are starting from the scratch.
-I am confident that by step-by-step approach and a combined approach between students and tutor(Myself) I can make them fully prepare for their upcoming assignments and exams.Also I am having IELTS Band 6 also in General English which I am trying to improve time and again.I hope my vast experience in the subject would provide a vital role in moulding the career of the future generations successfully.
1 reviews from Renjith Kumar V S's current and former students
He is a great tutor. He is well experienced in tutoring. He explains each and every module in an understandable manner.
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