Simon Lilleker
The course has been excellent from beginning to end. I have successfully passed the AZ-900 exam today. I have thoroughly enjoyed the learning format and have gained a lot of knowledge and confidence to help me progress further with could certifications. As I have stated in earlier the delivery from Jahan has been excellent. Even recapping on network fundamentals I managed to understand and remember things I never could, for example, the OSI model. The way this was described made it clear once and for all as I could never remember it! Thanks Jahan. The Ucertify platform was excellent I thought. I like the way the practice test lets you ‘master’ each question as it makes you think about it and look at the content when you get it wrong…
Also, I will be going away from this with lots of material to study and learn that has been provided covering various topics.
Excellent all round.
Thank you very much Jahan. Hopefully keep in touch in the future.
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