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Town/city/borough Belfast, Springfield (City of )
English Lessons
verified Verified data time More than 10 years teaching experience
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Usually teaches classes in
Springfield (City of Belfast)
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Infant and nursery school
Secondary school
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Qualified Primary Teacher available for face to face and online tuition

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Hello there!

For the last 10 years, I have taught children across all primary levels in the UK and in some of the most sought-after International schools. I have worked with a number of children with English as an additional language (EAL) as well as assisting other children with special needs to remove barriers to learning. As a result of this varied experience, I am well equipped to identify student needs and how best to support them. Whether it is plugging in some gaps in knowledge or working on some more challenging material - I am here to provide tailor made instruction based on.

I aim to make lessons interactive, engaging and fun for the students and me! After all, we all learn better when we are enjoying ourselves! I offer an initial free chat where I like to get to know the parent/guardian and child. Here, we can discuss what works for you. I am happy to offer block sessions in areas of difficulty, weekly slots, or booster sessions as required. Sometimes it might not actually be curriculum content that a child needs help with. They may need support to develop the skills we need to learn such as, how to read questions and plan answers.

While I have taught and tutored children of all primary ages in all areas of the curriculum, I am particularly passionate about developing mastery in math and phonics.

I look forward to working with you.
Joanne teaches here
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