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Town/city/borough Belfast, Ballymacarret, Ballynafeigh, Castlereagh, Rosetta, Windsor
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Primary School Teacher with 10 years classroom experience

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Hello parents and carers! My name is Joe Bryer and over the past 10 years, I have earned myself the reputation of being a reliable imparter of all things worth knowing when you're 5-11 years old. It has been noted time and again by my employers that I am able to teach the National Curriculum to an excellent level, whilst also connecting with children through humour and music.

Teaching and learning has never been more high-pressured for all involved (including parents & carers!) As a result, children often find themselves on a slippery slope when it comes to not understanding something. Confidence wanes and children will often express this through their behavior. I use tried and tested formulas, target setting and fair consequences (positive and negative) to ensure the pupil stays on track. Furthermore, communicating and working closely with the parent/carer is at the core of all teaching - I will always take extra-time to keep you informed.

I use assessment strategies to inform all involved parties about the next steps in the pupil's learning. For example, if your child is smashing multiplication but is struggling with division, that means there are misunderstandings in the pupil's foundational knowledge e.g. what a number actually looks like. I will identify misunderstandings through bespoke strategies and reteach them to ensure accelerated progress.

Training: I achieved my PGCE in 2011 after having gained a BA in Film Studies & History at the University of Winchester. Since 2010, I've tutored privately in the form of music lessons, Maths lessons and English lessons. I am now a full time primary school teacher, with 7 years under my belt.

Experience: My PGCE course had me training in numerous East London schools. Following on from this, I landed a job in West Sussex where I successfully completed my NQT year as a primary school teacher. After spending a second year cementing my skill-set, I moved myself over the border to East Sussex, specifically Brighton & Hove, where I worked for the next 8 years. I furthered my professional development in all areas, ran a Choir Club, coordinated the music and Phonics curriculum and navigated a global pandemic before moving over to Belfast with my wife.
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