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Zayan Ali
Zayan Ali
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Level of the lessons
Infant and nursery school
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Zayan Ali in a nutshell
The style of teaching I will use would be a step-by-step guide, where we would only move on from the current questions once everything is understood and the student is happy with the results. I would never abandon any student if they are stuck on any question, I would be more than happy to help if they need to ask questions about any of the work. Additional questions can be provided if I feel the...
The style of teaching I will use would be a step-by-step guide, where we would only move on from the current questions once everything is understood and the student is happy with the results. I would never abandon any student if they are stuck on any question, I would be more than happy to help if they need to ask questions about any of the work. Additional questions can be provided if I feel the student has not digested the information clearly.
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