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Town/city/borough Reading
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Secondary school
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Zakariya in a nutshell
In my lessons, I expect to work with the student, rather as if they are working with me. I hope to have meaningful conversations regarding the work, but as time is limited I hope to cover as much content as possible. This will be done by parents messaging exactly what they would like their child to study, and if said parents prefer a more linear curriculum, where I choose what needs to be done, I...
In my lessons, I expect to work with the student, rather as if they are working with me. I hope to have meaningful conversations regarding the work, but as time is limited I hope to cover as much content as possible. This will be done by parents messaging exactly what they would like their child to study, and if said parents prefer a more linear curriculum, where I choose what needs to be done, I will organise a mini placement test to assess what gaps need to be filled in the student's knowledge.

I will accumulate resources and get advice from experts, as my experience has taught me, to construct my own resource which we can use to work through together.

One particular feature I tend to incorporate with my lessons is Mr/Ms.Student, an activity where after doing a certain topic, the student will then teach me about the work, where I act oblivious and let them do the talking. From experience with my own studies and academic success, as well as teaching younger children, recalling what has been told by a teacher has been proven to effectively consolidate study, and I seek to execute this technique in our lesson.

Our conversations are always open, if a student feels they need to almost immediately switch to another topic, this is always fine and I will try my best to drift our scheme to fill the gaps they are uncertain about. To make this viable, messaging me before a lesson would be most appreciated.
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