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verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Secondary school
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Yousef in a nutshell
During covid-19 I supported my nephews and niece in their online learnings by providing them structure, motivation, additional tasks, as well as helping with any topics they were unsure of.

My main focus is on making the topics interesting, related to real world scenarios, introducing entertaining forms of content such as videos, and just overall making it not just information but something some...
During covid-19 I supported my nephews and niece in their online learnings by providing them structure, motivation, additional tasks, as well as helping with any topics they were unsure of.

My main focus is on making the topics interesting, related to real world scenarios, introducing entertaining forms of content such as videos, and just overall making it not just information but something someone can understand as an actual mechanism. Its the way I taught myself topics I wasn't sure of.

I will admit, I struggled with maths for a while, it made it very difficult to get myself involved in learning, but with the support of a teacher, as well as getting myself involved by watching videos, or even playing games involving the subject, I managed to get through my issues to be where I am today. I am confident every man, woman, and child can, if focused and determined enough, can understand and progress in science.
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