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Infant and nursery school
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Yogita in a nutshell
As a teacher I am good listener with a lots of patient which is necessary for a good teacher . I am disciplined and professional too .I have passed my bachelor of education in first division in biology . The subject child pedagogy is my favourite subject which is the syllabus of my (bachelor of education ) bed. Because of this subject I will connect my students in psychologically. Whene...
As a teacher I am good listener with a lots of patient which is necessary for a good teacher . I am disciplined and professional too .I have passed my bachelor of education in first division in biology . The subject child pedagogy is my favourite subject which is the syllabus of my (bachelor of education ) bed. Because of this subject I will connect my students in psychologically. Whenever a teacher connect with their student psychologically they clear the basic concepts of students which is necessary to build a strong and effective learning. As in a person I am passionate to learn with a good sense of humour . Different students might be coming from different backgrounds I have the power to uplift them and make a change. I am always creating a platform for open communication with my students. As I have already mentioned I have a good sense of humour which is a most significant qualities of an ideal teacher when the classroom gets boring, who doesn’t likes a good laugh and some jokes? Teachers who are humorous and funny have ability to connect with students easily and create a joyful environment. I am reliable person which is most important quality for a teacher, I am dedicated to my job . I am passionate too as teaching is not a easy job there are lot of problems that teachers face in their day to day lives . Passion is the core essential quality that help teachers to overcome.
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