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Town/city/borough Lasswade, Blackford (City of Edinburgh), Danderhall, Fairmilehead, Gilmerton (City of Edinburgh), Liberton, Loanhead, Newington (City of Edinburgh)
verified Verified data time More than 5 years teaching experience
Level of the lessons
Level of the lessons
Secondary school
University students
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Xiaojun in a nutshell
Hello students! My lessons are engaging and interactive, designed to encourage your active participation. Each session has clear objectives but is flexible enough to adapt to your needs. We’ll use a variety of materials, including multimedia resources and real-life scenarios, to make learning fun and relevant. The content covers all language skills—speaking, listening, reading, and writing—ensuri...
Hello students! My lessons are engaging and interactive, designed to encourage your active participation. Each session has clear objectives but is flexible enough to adapt to your needs. We’ll use a variety of materials, including multimedia resources and real-life scenarios, to make learning fun and relevant. The content covers all language skills—speaking, listening, reading, and writing—ensuring a balanced approach. I incorporate group activities and collaborative exercises to help you practice and improve. With my extensive experience in teaching and curriculum design, I am committed to making our lessons dynamic, effective, and enjoyable.
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