i am enthusiastic about education and always strive to foremost have affinity with my students so that they can be the best. I see the child as the centre of everything and have successfully employed a drama based pedagogy when teaching and found that this had led to so many positive outcomes, such as confidence, working in collaboration and offering lots of differentiation ensuring ways in for c...
i am enthusiastic about education and always strive to foremost have affinity with my students so that they can be the best. I see the child as the centre of everything and have successfully employed a drama based pedagogy when teaching and found that this had led to so many positive outcomes, such as confidence, working in collaboration and offering lots of differentiation ensuring ways in for children presenting barriers to learning and no ceiling for children who are talented. Autonomy is strengthened as children make their own decisions and deal with consequences, limitations and criticism which are essential to gain a deeper understanding of the wider world around them by making the learning applicable to real situations - igniting passion for success.
Lessons will be full of dialogue and we will be thinking about thinking in order to solve our problems. We may work collaboratively on a project. An example may be that we have been commissioned to build an extension on the community centre. We will need to brainstorm a plan and design; using math to measure lengths and angles, cost out materials and labour within a budget and possibly face unexpected challenges along the way. We will use English as we articulate our reasons for certain materials and then debate and possibly comprise. We will develop our social skills and your self confidence will grow as you successfully build extensions, deal with a nursing home closure, debate with an MP, arrange importing mangoes and set up your cupcake company!
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