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Victoria in a nutshell
My lessons will be innovative, effective and confidence building.
As a younger student, I am aware of the need to tailor tutoring to an individuals needs, therefore, I will be innovative, by adapting using visual, verbal and active learning. This comes from previous experience, revising for my own exams, which I am confident gives me the knowledge and skills needed to prepare the most beneficial...
My lessons will be innovative, effective and confidence building.
As a younger student, I am aware of the need to tailor tutoring to an individuals needs, therefore, I will be innovative, by adapting using visual, verbal and active learning. This comes from previous experience, revising for my own exams, which I am confident gives me the knowledge and skills needed to prepare the most beneficial lessons. Organisation is equally important, thus, I will ensure I have a plan for students over due course.
I am strongest on the humanities side of tutoring, given my A-levels in History, RS and Psychology, and an offer to study History at UCL. This will be overtly beneficial to students who wish to improve their essay technique.
To ensure lessons are most effective, the lessons will be built around the students’ questions and answers. This means lessons are focused on the student, so they do not feel overwhelmed or lost. I will set homework if needed, to see how the student is improving. This will highlight any areas of weakness, which I will be able to plan ahead for, before lessons.
Most importantly, I hope to build confidence, so students can be proud of their work and intelligence.
This is crucial to success, as I believe all students have potential which they can achieve, but need the correct approach to learning and support so that this is viable.
Finally, I am extremely flexible, able to work on weekends and most hours of the day. This should suit any student who has a busy schedule!
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