At the start.
The first lesson is mostly a chat to get an idea of how you engage with one-on-one lessons. People have different preferences when it comes to learning. Some like to take control of their own learning and just need someone around to explain specific things they struggle with and provide them with relevant questions to keep them on track. Others may find one-on-one teaching stressful...
At the start.
The first lesson is mostly a chat to get an idea of how you engage with one-on-one lessons. People have different preferences when it comes to learning. Some like to take control of their own learning and just need someone around to explain specific things they struggle with and provide them with relevant questions to keep them on track. Others may find one-on-one teaching stressful, and it's completely understandable. They might want me to try different approaches until we find what works best for them. Some individuals may find excessive explanations annoying or patronising, while others prefer topics to be explained as if they were encountering them for the first time. The important thing to remember is that it's okay! There isn't a one-size-fits-all approach, and it's my job to discover the best way that suits you.
During term time.
Once we have determined the most effective learning approach for you, we will organise the topics you need to cover and when to tackle them. We'll also take into account any homework or tests you have in school to ensure that you stay on top of your studies without feeling overwhelmed.
Close to exams.
Even Lewis Hamilton can fail his driving test or, at the very least, receive some minor faults if he doesn't prepare adequately. Exams are similar in that regard. You may have a good understanding of the subject matter but struggle when it comes to the exam itself. That's why we'll focus on exam techniques and practice with exam-style questions in the weeks leading up to your final exams. This way, you can approach the final paper with confidence and achieve top marks!