Career history: I am a professional teacher with bachelor's degree in education and currently finalizing master's degree in mathematics. I have been working in all around education institution of all economic levels since 2017 teaching learners across ages. My responsibilities have since then included but not limited to; teaching Mathematics and Economics and Entrepreneurship subjects, setting an...
Career history: I am a professional teacher with bachelor's degree in education and currently finalizing master's degree in mathematics. I have been working in all around education institution of all economic levels since 2017 teaching learners across ages. My responsibilities have since then included but not limited to; teaching Mathematics and Economics and Entrepreneurship subjects, setting and marking classwork, setting and marking tests and exams, supervising learners, meeting and guiding, advising and counseling learners, developing schemes of work, lesson plans and consequently teaching.
Teaching methods: Demonstration, brain storming, discussion and explanation, learners involvement in the teaching-learning process, interactions etc ......
Lesson management: Discipline, management of multiple disabilities, time management individual or group attention, flexibility and monitoring learners activities in the lesson.
Presentation/Lesson development: linking present to previous lesson, motivating and sustaining learner's interests, clarity of explanation and instruction, knowledge of subject matter, sequence of learning matter, responding to learners questions, Voice projection, encouraging learners with disability to participate and systematic use of instructional materials.
Evaluation: Evidence of student professional growth , assignments, exercise/tests, feedback and meaningful self evaluation.
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