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TIerney in a nutshell
Maths has been my favourite subject since I was very young, but I often didn’t perceive it the same ways my peers did. With this in mind, I’ve always found unique and different ways to tackle a maths problem, constantly searching for patterns and repetitions, and things that i can recognise in order to help me solve a problem. Now at university, I believe that I have a unique way of approaching m...
Maths has been my favourite subject since I was very young, but I often didn’t perceive it the same ways my peers did. With this in mind, I’ve always found unique and different ways to tackle a maths problem, constantly searching for patterns and repetitions, and things that i can recognise in order to help me solve a problem. Now at university, I believe that I have a unique way of approaching maths from different angles, and i also have a unique knack for exam practice, specifically being able to read a question and figuring out what exactly the question wants from me in order to answer it successfully.

In lessons, we can work through any homework that you are struggling with, practice recently taught topics in order to retain your school knowledge, go through past exam papers in order to pick out exam terminology and practice exam questions, or even learn new topics that you haven’t yet covered in school just to give you a new unique understanding as to why you might be learning what you’re leaning at school.

In my recent examinations, I received an A in both my Maths and Further Maths A Level with the Edexcel exam board, and in my GCSEs i also received a 9 in both Maths and Further Maths, which is the equivalent to an A*, with the exam boards being Edexcel and AQA respectively. I am now in my first year of my Mathematics Degree at the University Of Southampton.

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