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Town/city/borough London, Cowley (Greater ), Hillingdon (), Iver Heath, New Denham, Uxbridge, Yiewsley
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Theophilus in a nutshell
I am a PhD candidate in Mechanical Engineering at Brunel University, London, with a strong background in marine and mechanical engineering. I bring extensive experience as a Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) at Brunel University, where I have successfully taught and mentored university students in various engineering subjects. My lessons are designed to be interactive, engaging, and tailored to e...
I am a PhD candidate in Mechanical Engineering at Brunel University, London, with a strong background in marine and mechanical engineering. I bring extensive experience as a Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) at Brunel University, where I have successfully taught and mentored university students in various engineering subjects. My lessons are designed to be interactive, engaging, and tailored to each student's unique learning needs.

What My Lessons Are Like:
My lessons are structured to provide a comprehensive understanding of mechanical engineering concepts, with a focus on practical applications and real-world problem-solving. Here’s what you can expect:

Interactive Format: My lessons are interactive, encouraging active participation and critical thinking. I use a variety of teaching tools, including multimedia presentations, simulations, and real-time problem-solving sessions.

Customized Content: Each lesson is tailored to the student's specific needs and learning pace. I cover a wide range of topics including predictive maintenance, AI technologies in engineering, Python programming, data analysis, and CAD.

Hands-on Projects: To reinforce theoretical knowledge, I integrate hands-on projects and case studies. This approach helps students apply what they’ve learned and gain practical experience.

Engaging Dynamics: I foster an engaging learning environment where students feel comfortable asking questions and exploring new ideas. Regular assessments and feedback ensure continuous improvement and confidence building.

My Experience:

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Brunel University (2023 - Present): Teaching and mentoring undergraduate and postgraduate students in mechanical engineering courses. Specializing in predictive maintenance and AI technologies.
Marine Engineer Officer, Ghana Navy ( ): Extensive experience in maintaining and repairing marine machinery and systems. Developed comprehensive maintenance plans and conducted training sessions for engineering teams.
Researcher, Brunel University: Conducting research on predictive maintenance using AI and machine learning algorithms. Proficient in Python programming and data analysis.
Why Choose Me:

Qualified Expert: PhD candidate in Mechanical Engineering with hands-on experience in both academic and professional settings.
Proven Teaching Skills: Demonstrated success in teaching and mentoring students, with a focus on interactive and practical learning.
Tailored Approach: Personalized lesson plans that cater to the individual needs and goals of each student.
Commitment to Excellence: Dedicated to helping students achieve their full potential through engaging and effective teaching methods.
Get in Touch:
Ready to take your engineering knowledge to the next level? Book a lesson with me today and start your journey towards academic and professional success!
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