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Terrie Leigh burchill
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Terrie Leigh burchill
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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Terrie Leigh burchill in a nutshell
Starter classes overview:

Lessons will start with learning the basics of the English language.

Lessons will be taught online via video call, showing presentations I have personally made to help the understanding of my lessons and the English language overall.

I will be keeping reports on individuals to ensure you are working on the level that is right for you.

At the end of my course of l...
Starter classes overview:

Lessons will start with learning the basics of the English language.

Lessons will be taught online via video call, showing presentations I have personally made to help the understanding of my lessons and the English language overall.

I will be keeping reports on individuals to ensure you are working on the level that is right for you.

At the end of my course of lessons I aim to have my students having a high understanding of English as a foreign language, to be confident of using this language comfortably and a overall review of your work over the due course.

Students will get homework once a week to try and build individual lone confidence at the end of the week after reviewing a overall lesson.

Students will get 1:1 with me on any work i or they think they may need to improve.

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