A highly experienced and inspirational teacher - Piano is my main specialism (I hold 2 diplomas - ARSM and LGSM) I also teach theory and offer support lessons in composition for GCSE and 'A' level students. Success rate in exams is 98%.
Lessons are tailor made to suit the individual student. All aspects of general musicianship are included with the aim of enriching the potential pianist's ability...
A highly experienced and inspirational teacher - Piano is my main specialism (I hold 2 diplomas - ARSM and LGSM) I also teach theory and offer support lessons in composition for GCSE and 'A' level students. Success rate in exams is 98%.
Lessons are tailor made to suit the individual student. All aspects of general musicianship are included with the aim of enriching the potential pianist's ability and understanding.
I have a reputation for developing an excellent rapport with students of any agerangig from 4 to 84. Structured lessons allow for fun learning via participating in duets and undertaking alternative methods in scale and arpeggio practice thus overcoming the common notion that technical work is onerous.
Opening up the imagination of a student is a perogative and aids the best characterisation of pieces in performance. Gaining the confidence to play in public as well as playing to friends and family is encouraged and I will support those willing to take part in festivals and recitals.
Exam taking is not compulsory and I am proficient at teaching all genres from Classical to Pop and Rock.
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