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Town/city/borough Bridge of Don, Danestone, Denmore, Dubford, Middleton Park, Old Aberdeen
verified Verified data time 3 years teaching experience
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Secondary school
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Temiloluwa in a nutshell
Caring and knowledgeable Math Tutor proficient at utilizing tutoring strategies to maximise results.
- Well-versed in simplifying math concepts while coaching students to think critically to solve problems.
- Providing 1:1 tutoring for families in their homes or at a mutually convenient location
-Devised tutoring methods that helped students' score increase by more than 40 percent.
- Building...
Caring and knowledgeable Math Tutor proficient at utilizing tutoring strategies to maximise results.
- Well-versed in simplifying math concepts while coaching students to think critically to solve problems.
- Providing 1:1 tutoring for families in their homes or at a mutually convenient location
-Devised tutoring methods that helped students' score increase by more than 40 percent.
- Building immediate rapport with students, inviting participation, and making students feel their contributions are valued.
-Helping the students address any academic gaps and needs.
- Helping the students improve their study skills.
-Motivating and supporting the students to achieve their academic potential.
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