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Town/city/borough Birmingham
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Infant and nursery school
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Tayyba in a nutshell
In our very first lesson, introductions will be made and students' goals will be discussed. Then each lesson will include a learning objective, introduction activity, main activity and a plenary to go over whatever content students are interested in. At the beginning of each lesson, students will do a retrieval activity to ensure that they remember the content from the last lesson - this will hel...
In our very first lesson, introductions will be made and students' goals will be discussed. Then each lesson will include a learning objective, introduction activity, main activity and a plenary to go over whatever content students are interested in. At the beginning of each lesson, students will do a retrieval activity to ensure that they remember the content from the last lesson - this will help students to build on their previous knowledge and also maintain what they have been learning. Introduction activities will allow the students to become familiar with the content, main activities will give students the opportunity to understand the content through teaching and practice. The plenary will help to reinforce the knowledge in the lesson and also give students the chance to ask any questions or communicate their issues. Furthermore, this will guide my planning as I can base my teaching on what students have understood and the topics that need to be readdressed. The main aim of lessons will be to help students understand whatever content they hope to cover and make them more confident in their knowledge. As someone who is a student and has also had tutoring before, I know how to establish a good learning environment where students feel comfortable raising any concerns and feel the lessons are goal-orientated and effective in helping them improve their English reading, writing and speaking skills. According to my students' varying abilities, I will adapt my lessons to make sure their needs are met
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