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verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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Tawfeeq in a nutshell
As your tutor, I will:
- Teach you basic methods to solve questions
- Solve example questions for you to show you how to tackle different types of question.
- Assign Homework, mark it and provide feedback on what could be improved.
- I will also encourage you to attempt solving challenging questions so that you can be comfortable around difficult exam questions.
This is the method that my tea...
As your tutor, I will:
- Teach you basic methods to solve questions
- Solve example questions for you to show you how to tackle different types of question.
- Assign Homework, mark it and provide feedback on what could be improved.
- I will also encourage you to attempt solving challenging questions so that you can be comfortable around difficult exam questions.
This is the method that my teacher used to teach me Maths and as a result I was able to achieve A* in GCSE maths and be predicted an A in A level Maths.
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