In my classes, I expect my stduents to work hard, and I will always try my best to help you understand any topic in detail. At the beginning of any class, I wil go through the prior knowledge of the topic we are about to go through. For any topic, we will go through examples, and relate the topic to real life situations to make it more relatable. And after explaining, I will give you some time to...
In my classes, I expect my stduents to work hard, and I will always try my best to help you understand any topic in detail. At the beginning of any class, I wil go through the prior knowledge of the topic we are about to go through. For any topic, we will go through examples, and relate the topic to real life situations to make it more relatable. And after explaining, I will give you some time to work through some problems. At the end of every session I will give a small homework for you to work on so I can check at the next class if you've understood the topic.