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Town/city/borough Birmingham
verified Verified data time 4 years teaching experience
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Infant and nursery school
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Tabassum in a nutshell
I have several years of experience providing one to one tuition online on various video conference platforms such as Google Meet, Zoom and Microsoft Teams. My lessons generally start off with teaching key concepts and making sure that students understand a topic fully before moving on to practice questions in order to consolidate your learning. I have taught for the 11+ in subjects such as Maths,...
I have several years of experience providing one to one tuition online on various video conference platforms such as Google Meet, Zoom and Microsoft Teams. My lessons generally start off with teaching key concepts and making sure that students understand a topic fully before moving on to practice questions in order to consolidate your learning. I have taught for the 11+ in subjects such as Maths, Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning, as well as tutoring for GCSE maths and below.
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