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Sujithra Pratheep
1st class free
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Sujithra Pratheep
Town/city/borough Gillingham
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Secondary school
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Sujithra Pratheep in a nutshell
Iam a tutor who can teach students in a very friendly and interesting way with examples .teaching is an equal participation of tutor and student which will create a good bond between them.I have experience in teaching students science subject in my neighbourhood,Tution classes and personally.My teaching style made them all understand their subject well and helped them to score good Marks.The stud...
Iam a tutor who can teach students in a very friendly and interesting way with examples .teaching is an equal participation of tutor and student which will create a good bond between them.I have experience in teaching students science subject in my neighbourhood,Tution classes and personally.My teaching style made them all understand their subject well and helped them to score good Marks.The students and their parents used to be very happy about the way I used to teach them.I like science mostly biology more because the studying materials or the topics are useful in our life and will make us more understand about each and every aspects of life.we can relate each topics to our own life and take examples from our own surroundings.This makes each students easy to get through the topics .It is interesting only because of these are relatable to our own life .So that you can trust me very much that I can make you understand each and every topics to my maximum.I am sure that you will love this subject,and will never forget those topics which iam talking .Any body who wants to study science ,mainly biology can approach me ,I promise that I will be the best tutor for you,whom you can trust and ask any e over teaching is my favourite profession because this is the best one which we can give to others and make us proud and can remain in the hearts of students for all the life long.I am proud for being a tutor.
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