In science class, the scientific method is consistently applied to promote a higher thinking skills and research skills to improve future independent studies. PowerPoint, book pages, real life scenarios, practical observation and simulation of lab environments is applied. Graphic organisers, note taking, check points and questions are given throughout for understanding and applying concepts. Each...
In science class, the scientific method is consistently applied to promote a higher thinking skills and research skills to improve future independent studies. PowerPoint, book pages, real life scenarios, practical observation and simulation of lab environments is applied. Graphic organisers, note taking, check points and questions are given throughout for understanding and applying concepts. Each lesson is tailored to student needs and learning style so while one lesson may be more visual with lots of pictures and repetition another may be more hand on and practical. Depending on the topic, there may be more connection or familiar environment or more drawing to grasp abstract concepts. All lesson I prompt student with question to better understand their misconception and correct these ideas. Whether it is a lecture style, conversation form or notetaking and highlighting the student will gear the lesson as per their own need and goals. My aim is always to have student leave feeling confident in the topic, understand the material well, and being able to teach another person. I avoid having regular student for long period of time as I try to give student the skills of independent learning where in future they will not need consistent additional support but rather can organise and support themselves. Online tutoring is valuable in ways that are underestimated, students can engaged in virtual investigations, gamification in a simplified, clean, and fast environment. Writing, drawing, highlighting is also available. All the traditional teaching forms that are done in person can be done equally online plus more.