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Town/city/borough St Helens, Crank, Eccleston, Prescot, Thatto Heath, Whiston (Knowsley)
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Secondary school
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Sophie in a nutshell
Hello ?? History can be really tricky to master, but I can provide the tools necessary to support and coach you through it. Testing knowledge through skills and second order concepts is key. Revision packs and plans can be adapted to suit your needs and I’m happy to help with any tips and strategies to help you achieve the best possible grade and feel confident in your learning. I am currently a...
Hello ?? History can be really tricky to master, but I can provide the tools necessary to support and coach you through it. Testing knowledge through skills and second order concepts is key. Revision packs and plans can be adapted to suit your needs and I’m happy to help with any tips and strategies to help you achieve the best possible grade and feel confident in your learning. I am currently a history teacher in a secondary school in St. Helens and I have a track record of promoting good pupil progress and securing good results. I am also trained in AQA and have marked for the exam board twice, so I know what examiners are looking for. I am happy to help with any questions, guidance or mentoring you need
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