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Town/city/borough Antrim, Ballymacarret, Ballynafeigh, Castlereagh, Crossnacreevy, Newtownbreda, Rosetta
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Sonia in a nutshell
Conversational English using a one to one format to ensure immediate use of the language by the student which allows my assessment of the students language ability. I meet the student in a place of their choosing to ensure they feel comfortable but suggest a public place in the first instance. The topics of conversation are developed as the lessons progress and I build up a relationship with the...
Conversational English using a one to one format to ensure immediate use of the language by the student which allows my assessment of the students language ability. I meet the student in a place of their choosing to ensure they feel comfortable but suggest a public place in the first instance. The topics of conversation are developed as the lessons progress and I build up a relationship with the student. I have been qualified as a Tefle teacher since 1992 and at diploma level since 2001.
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