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Town/city/borough West Derby, Childwall, Clubmoor, Deysbrook, Knotty Ash, Old Swan
verified Verified data time More than 5 years teaching experience
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Level of the lessons
Secondary school
Education and qualifications
Education and qualifications
Master's degree (M): PGCE
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Siobhan in a nutshell
I provide student led classes, developing on from their needs and levels, using prior knowledge to build on. i will look for areas to improve and tailor the lessons to meet this. I have a fun approach to learning and wish to inspire a joy of learning in my students to help them grow and learn.
I have lots of work experience with SEN students, previously working in supported education teaching ma...
I provide student led classes, developing on from their needs and levels, using prior knowledge to build on. i will look for areas to improve and tailor the lessons to meet this. I have a fun approach to learning and wish to inspire a joy of learning in my students to help them grow and learn.
I have lots of work experience with SEN students, previously working in supported education teaching maths. I love to help students find their own path for learning and guide them in this way.
I fully believe in rewarding positive learning and giving praise to encourage and motivate. My aim is to support independent learning and confidence in their own ability.
Depending on the level needed for tutoring, I will provide curriculum resources or work with students on the work or format they currently work on as to help reduce confusion and stress levels. I would start lessons with a review of prior knowledge, discussion of theory and practice together before setting work for the student to work on independently. I would assess and give feedback, giving the student an opportunity to reflect on their learning in order to support their learning process and inform future learning.
I support group learning and working with each other to aid understanding.
Alongside working with SEND students, I live and breath learning difficulties, my own childrenn have ASD, ADHD and Dyslexia so I understand and support different learning needs and especially understanding behaviour when it comes to boundaries to learning. I aim to work with the student, build a level of trust and relationship in order to make learning fun and engaging for them.
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