I am currently working as a tutor in one of the Tution's in London. I arranged my classes with higher order thinking method. Deep and thorough explanations of topics with figures, formulas etc. Then train the students with application level questions. Once the topic is completed take test on each topic. After test if the targeted results not gain again continue with more application level questio...
I am currently working as a tutor in one of the Tution's in London. I arranged my classes with higher order thinking method. Deep and thorough explanations of topics with figures, formulas etc. Then train the students with application level questions. Once the topic is completed take test on each topic. After test if the targeted results not gain again continue with more application level questions.
For GCSE students in addition to topic level questions save my exam questions are all given to practice before taking test on each topic.
Each development is well explained with parents and consider their strategies as well. I believe a strong communication is needed from parent and student is essential in the development of student's carrier.