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verified Verified data time More than 5 years teaching experience
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Level of the lessons
Secondary school
University students
Education and qualifications
Education and qualifications
Master's degree (M): MS in Chemistry by Research
Bachelor's Degree: BSc
Doctorate (studying): PhD in Technology Enhanced Chemical Synthesis
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Shubham in a nutshell
I have a teaching experience of over 6 years and during this time I have come to realise that every student has a different approach towards the subject and hence to adapt to their needs I tend to use different methods of teaching depending on the topic that I am dealing with. I usually provide handwritten lecture notes to students. I prefer to make all my sessions as interactive as possible so t...
I have a teaching experience of over 6 years and during this time I have come to realise that every student has a different approach towards the subject and hence to adapt to their needs I tend to use different methods of teaching depending on the topic that I am dealing with. I usually provide handwritten lecture notes to students. I prefer to make all my sessions as interactive as possible so that students do not get bored and start developing interest in chemistry. I tend to use different visual aids for certain topics like powerpoint presentations as and when required. Through my experiences, I have learned that conducting problem solving sessions is one of the most effective ways to master chemistry and hence I tend to conduct workshops/problem solving sessions either fortnightly or monthly depending on the topic.
Not all students are alike and hence I like to cater to the needs of all students by teaching them from the level that they are most comfortable with and take them to the advanced levels from there. I prefer taking regular tests to assess the progress of students to help me understand their weak spots so that I can help them get better in those areas. Usually I take test once a month followed by a discussion session to explain the student how they could have performed better. Overall, I try my best to make chemistry a fun subject for all my students and make them enjoy learning chemistry the way I love teaching it.
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