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verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Secondary school
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Education and qualifications
Bachelor's Degree: BTech. in Information Technology
Master's degree (M): MSc. in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
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Shubham in a nutshell
I teach maths through examples and building intuition gradually. I would first tell them why there is a need for using the concept. Then I would show them through examples how the concept is used in life or if it is abstract, how it helps with other areas of math. This would build a great base and conceptual understanding, for students to reference. Afterwards, I would start solving some initial...
I teach maths through examples and building intuition gradually. I would first tell them why there is a need for using the concept. Then I would show them through examples how the concept is used in life or if it is abstract, how it helps with other areas of math. This would build a great base and conceptual understanding, for students to reference. Afterwards, I would start solving some initial problems, which would show how the concepts are understood concretely, with escalating difficulty. This cycle being repeated gives both a conceptual understanding as well as a hands-on and concrete understanding of any mathematical concept.
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