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Shreya in a nutshell
I am a A* English literature/language student.

From experience , lessons for both Primary and Secondary school age will be structured to cover basics such as reading, writing and grammar. Lessons will progress over time and become more advance . All lessons will be structured and cover essential content based on the students preferred area/topic. All students will be given homework after every...
I am a A* English literature/language student.

From experience , lessons for both Primary and Secondary school age will be structured to cover basics such as reading, writing and grammar. Lessons will progress over time and become more advance . All lessons will be structured and cover essential content based on the students preferred area/topic. All students will be given homework after every lesson to improve their retention with the subject and imploy spaced learning which is from my experience , the most beneficial method to understand and retain the work consumed from lessons .

A different lesson format would be created for revision based lessons and content based lessons. Revision based lessons will be structured in line with the curriculum and with science praised methods to remember and hold information whereas content based lessons will be taught through more specific methods : adapted and depending on the students pace and preference to learning.

Lessons will consist of both reading materials and exercises for the student. Practise exams and assessments would be available too. Lessons will be 60% content and 40% working with the student on their ability to use the language . Every lesson will start with a vocabulary test , speaking , listening and reading will be the main focus of the lessons for languages.

Students will have an assigned time at the beginning and end of lessons to recap the lessons content and ask questions about specific topics or make suggestions for their next lessons focus.
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