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Shima in a nutshell
An exceptionally skilled and reliable Biology teacher with over 4 years of teaching experience, highly regarded for establishing constructive, pleasurable and engaging learning environments to augment student development. Utilizes the most effective and compelling teaching, learning methods and online tools to create simple and clear strategies to tackle various topics in Biology. Specialised in...
An exceptionally skilled and reliable Biology teacher with over 4 years of teaching experience, highly regarded for establishing constructive, pleasurable and engaging learning environments to augment student development. Utilizes the most effective and compelling teaching, learning methods and online tools to create simple and clear strategies to tackle various topics in Biology. Specialised in managing and maximising learning opportunities in diverse classroom settings while being firmly attentive to each student individually. Possessing influential mentorship skills which discloses the ultimate potential in students. Exemplary leadership qualities hence creating a peaceful and unified environment for students of different backgrounds and ethnicities. Developing collaborative relationships with colleagues, parents and community members to promote high level of education. Prioritizing the student’s interests and well-being by providing relevant, abundant and resourceful course materials under any circumstances or onerous situations to create a solid platform for the youth.
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