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Sherene in a nutshell
I am a passionate Tutor who likes to focus on ensuring that her Students are encouraged to study a Subject in a Fun & unique way, which will Boost & Motivate those lacking in Confidence, especially in regard to their Communication Skills.
In the past I have Tutored a Primary School level Child and given him the Confidence to excel in a Subject , which then enabled him to Pass the Entrance Exam w...
I am a passionate Tutor who likes to focus on ensuring that her Students are encouraged to study a Subject in a Fun & unique way, which will Boost & Motivate those lacking in Confidence, especially in regard to their Communication Skills.
In the past I have Tutored a Primary School level Child and given him the Confidence to excel in a Subject , which then enabled him to Pass the Entrance Exam which granted him Admission into one of the most Reputable Schools in India.
I offer tailor-made Classes suited to Individual Needs & requirements.
I am Approachable & have a Personable Nature and am interested in helping and encouraging Adults who lack Confidence in their Communication Skills.
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