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Town/city/borough Leeds, Headingley, Holbeck (City and Borough of ), Kirkstall, Richmond Hill
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Shekhar in a nutshell
I will try to give you a step-wise procedure for solving problems which will help you during your examinations, when you will be asked to complete a lot of questions in a small period of time.
I will try to understand your weak areas and guide you how to overcome that by giving you the fundamental explanation behind that particular topic so that you gain confidence.
You don't need to worry as I...
I will try to give you a step-wise procedure for solving problems which will help you during your examinations, when you will be asked to complete a lot of questions in a small period of time.
I will try to understand your weak areas and guide you how to overcome that by giving you the fundamental explanation behind that particular topic so that you gain confidence.
You don't need to worry as I used to be bad at mathematics too! so if you do not understand anything you can ask me without hesitation and we can work on that.
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