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Sheila in a nutshell
My lessons are a blend of student led and teacher led. We engage in discussions, worksheet, power points, I give immediate feedback in class, and different ways to approach questions. My lesson introductions include watching clips and games. Most students like it when they are more involved in the lesson rather than the teacher talking all the time that's why my lessons are mostly student centere...
My lessons are a blend of student led and teacher led. We engage in discussions, worksheet, power points, I give immediate feedback in class, and different ways to approach questions. My lesson introductions include watching clips and games. Most students like it when they are more involved in the lesson rather than the teacher talking all the time that's why my lessons are mostly student centered. I am knowledgeable about differentiation, I can manipulate the content to fit the needs of learners. In creative writing we do alot of writing practices and role playing starting with how to introduce your work the body and conclusion, we focus on the different types of writing, reports, letters, arguments, descriptions, articles and narratives. Of course spellings grammar and punctuation are key in English learning. An ideal lesson will start with an introduction which can be a short video explaining the topic of the day and the objectives, followed by an explanation and discussion, we write some notes, then do an exercise to determine whether the learner has understood, then offer constructive feedback. We also participate in writing competition in class, we post the winners and most improved on the notice board. On Fridays is peer learning day and students write and mark each other's work while giving feedback to their classmates. Homework is given on selected days, it alternates between writing, grammar and comprehension. I am passionate about teaching, that's why I ensure that I'm evolving with the new teaching methods and learning materials.
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