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Town/city/borough Hale (Manchester), Broughton (City and Borough of Salford), Harpurhey, Manchester, Newton Heath, Salford, Trafford Park
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Infant and nursery school
Secondary school
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Shamseldeen in a nutshell
Hi, my name is shams and I am an aspiring dental student. I tutor maths, Arabic and physics for levels from primary school to GCSEs. I have an interactive style of teaching that encourages improvement and change in problem solving skills, i can tailor my lessons depending on the students needs, I like to involve the student when explaining general ideas and then work on tackling questions which I...
Hi, my name is shams and I am an aspiring dental student. I tutor maths, Arabic and physics for levels from primary school to GCSEs. I have an interactive style of teaching that encourages improvement and change in problem solving skills, i can tailor my lessons depending on the students needs, I like to involve the student when explaining general ideas and then work on tackling questions which I believe is the most effective to get better at achieving high grades regardless of the subject, I aim to explain every question step by step to ensure students have full awareness of the problems they could face in questions especially in exam scenarios. I have many years of experience working with pupils and especially children who are diagnosed with autism, so I am welcoming any child regardless of their abilities and always hopeful for improvement.
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