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Town/city/borough Shoreditch, Aldgate, Bank, Fenchurch Street, Old Street, Tower Hill
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Selene in a nutshell
I aim to firstly provide a safe environment where the student feels comfortable. I find the best outcomes are achieved by having fun within learning experiences. Depending on the age of student, this can be through songs or games as long as the learning outcome is achieved! I find this approach to learning, produces optimal results and creates a collaborative approach to learning that is fun for...
I aim to firstly provide a safe environment where the student feels comfortable. I find the best outcomes are achieved by having fun within learning experiences. Depending on the age of student, this can be through songs or games as long as the learning outcome is achieved! I find this approach to learning, produces optimal results and creates a collaborative approach to learning that is fun for the student and me!
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