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Sean O’Kane
Sean O’Kane
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University students
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Sean O’Kane in a nutshell
I bring to the table a wide variety of transferable skills both academic and professional. I believe these skills, coupled with my life experiences, make me a good fit for the role of Life Coach. My degree in Human Communication Studies has taught me to see all people holistically. My professional life has shown me that I have a great ability to get alongside people and support and encourage the...
I bring to the table a wide variety of transferable skills both academic and professional. I believe these skills, coupled with my life experiences, make me a good fit for the role of Life Coach. My degree in Human Communication Studies has taught me to see all people holistically. My professional life has shown me that I have a great ability to get alongside people and support and encourage them. I’m a great listener and would greatly welcome the opportunity to reach out and engage with students at a time when they are asking so many questions about their lives and futures. I’ve been there, we’ve all been there! I like problem solving and am proactive by nature and I understand that finding the right path to follow can have a huge, positive impact on a person’s confidence, mental and physical health and ability to lead a happy, fulfilling and independent life. Moreover, I believe I can have a positive effect on students of all ages by providing sound guidance to further develop their academic and life outlook and understanding.
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