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Secondary school
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Master's degree (M) (studying): MChem(Hons) at the University of Manchester
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Scott in a nutshell
I am extremely passionate about science and mathematics and gained significant experience in these fields over the last few years. I have undertaken GSCEs, and A levels and I am two years into a Master's degree at the University of Manchester studying chemistry. Throughout my journey, I have realised the deeper I have dived into my studies, the more fascinating they have become and I am now at th...
I am extremely passionate about science and mathematics and gained significant experience in these fields over the last few years. I have undertaken GSCEs, and A levels and I am two years into a Master's degree at the University of Manchester studying chemistry. Throughout my journey, I have realised the deeper I have dived into my studies, the more fascinating they have become and I am now at the point where I am eager to pass on my knowledge and give personal tuition to aid others in their own journeys, adapted to their personal needs. One way that I wish to do this is to help students learn to enjoy the process of learning, something that I struggled with most of my academic career, but once you start to enjoy it learning becomes much less of a chore and this actually makes it much easier. Currently being a student myself, I can appreciate the difficulties of motivating yourself to work and wanting to do other things as a priority, especially at a younger age, but working hard at school doesn't mean you need to sacrifice the formative years of spending time with your friends having fun - you can do both! Finding the healthy balance of this is something I believe is key and something I have experience in having recently had to balance life with A levels and currently with university exams. So whether the need is immediate or long-term I will work as hard as I can to provide students with the best possible tools to be able to achieve their short and long-term goals, whilst hopefully changing their view on learning forever.
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