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Sarah in a nutshell
I personally prefer online format, as it is much more convenient and I am someone which is constantly busy, taking up opportunities. I would first want to understand my clients background, why he/she needs these classes, what they want to learn, before accepting them. The content or dynamics of my lessons will be based on what needs to be learned, but it will often be in a clear, organized fashio...
I personally prefer online format, as it is much more convenient and I am someone which is constantly busy, taking up opportunities. I would first want to understand my clients background, why he/she needs these classes, what they want to learn, before accepting them. The content or dynamics of my lessons will be based on what needs to be learned, but it will often be in a clear, organized fashion with clarity and details. I do not have any professsional tutoring experience, only being a private tutor to my juniors during my high school years. My teaching ways are detailed, clarity, organized, yet patient, understanding and very approachable. Feel free to ask anything related to english within my frame of understanding, and I will try my best to help you. Looking forward to helping you all! Learning english is a beautiful process and I hope everyone can experience it in the easiest way possible.
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