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Town/city/borough The City of Brighton and Hove, Hove, Ovingdean, Peacehaven, Rottingdean, Saltdean, Woodingdean
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Sarah in a nutshell
I aim to deliver interactive and engaging lessons for all students, whether that's online or in person, I always cater for every student with thoughroughly personalised sessions. I tutor maths, physics and computer science from Year 7 to GCSE Level. I believe in inspiring young minds to push themselves to achieve their personal best and I hope to do that by encouraging them and setting challenges...
I aim to deliver interactive and engaging lessons for all students, whether that's online or in person, I always cater for every student with thoughroughly personalised sessions. I tutor maths, physics and computer science from Year 7 to GCSE Level. I believe in inspiring young minds to push themselves to achieve their personal best and I hope to do that by encouraging them and setting challenges suited to their level. I plan all of my lessons around the exam board and curriculum each student is under, to enhance their learning in school and out of it. I have a year of experience teaching mathematics as a teaching assistant and tutoring, in person, both physics and maths. I can offer my services in maths, physics and computer science.
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