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Sarah in a nutshell
I have higher education teaching experience from being a support worker at the University of Sheffield and demonstrating on two undergraduate courses at the University of Edinburgh: Principles of Ecology and Field Ecology. I have taught statistics, concepts in biology and ecology, as well as laboratory and field methods such as experimental design, and plant and invertebrate identification using...
I have higher education teaching experience from being a support worker at the University of Sheffield and demonstrating on two undergraduate courses at the University of Edinburgh: Principles of Ecology and Field Ecology. I have taught statistics, concepts in biology and ecology, as well as laboratory and field methods such as experimental design, and plant and invertebrate identification using keys and microscopes. I have guided students through the process of designing and executing field research projects in groups. I have also been responsible for marking course assignments, including final project reports, laboratory and field notebooks, and oral presentations.

I am positive and encouraging and believe in the power of direct observation to aid learning. Models and diagrams are useful to present difficult ideas but I also want students to see for themselves through experiments and observation of biology in nature. It is helpful to make connections between the different areas of biology; from invisible molecules to physiological systems and the evolution of species. Whatever you find hardest, I want to focus on that until it becomes interesting to you instead.

Exam fear is normal and can be conquered by practicing questions and getting used to seeing the answers examiners expect. Exams are just a game, a strange game organised by strange people! I'll try and help you learn the way they think. We can learn some fascinating things about biology and the world as well. I'm excited to share what I've learned through my many years of studying this subject.

I hope to meet you very soon and begin the journey of learning together.
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