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Town/city/borough Worksop, Gildingwells, Rhodesia, Shireoaks, Thorpe Salvin, Woodsetts
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Education and qualifications
Bachelor's Degree: Educational Studies and English with QTS
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Sarah in a nutshell
I like to tailor my lessons to suit each student individually. Usually, I warm up the lesson with a short game that is related to the topic we are studying. I will break down the session into short activities that last no longer than 10 minutes each. I believe that practical activities are just as important as academic worksheets and I provide all resources. Practical activities include bakin...
I like to tailor my lessons to suit each student individually. Usually, I warm up the lesson with a short game that is related to the topic we are studying. I will break down the session into short activities that last no longer than 10 minutes each. I believe that practical activities are just as important as academic worksheets and I provide all resources. Practical activities include baking; roleplaying (shops, hospitals etc) building lego; clay modelling and more. All activities are tailored to suit the age of the student and I give feedback to parents/guardians at the end of each session.

With regards to English GCSE students, the tutoring sessions will be presented differently. It will still be planned to suit the individual needs of the student, but the work will be more academic in nature. The lesson will start with a chat about your concerns and struggles as well as interests and strengths. I can offer support with homework, coursework and exam revision. I will work through past exam papers, read through texts and literature and offer advice on structuring essays and exam answers. I believe there is no such thing as a 'stupid' question if it helps you understand your work.

I am a quiet, calm and patient person who does not judge, is open-minded and flexible in my approach. I pride myself on being approachable and easy to talk to and the thing I most want for my students is to discover a love for the subject I am supporting them with.
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