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Town/city/borough Chichester, East Wittering, Itchenor, Shipton Green, Somerley, West Thorney, West Wittering
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Sarah in a nutshell
I have lots of experience with the foundation stage and primary curriculum.
Very adaptive as have got good experience with SEN and Speech and Language and trauma
I am level 2 Makaton trained
Can find the best learning approach for the child.
Whether this is play orientated or visual.
I will prepare all resources and obtain what is necessary for their learning.
Learning journey for each child will...
I have lots of experience with the foundation stage and primary curriculum.
Very adaptive as have got good experience with SEN and Speech and Language and trauma
I am level 2 Makaton trained
Can find the best learning approach for the child.
Whether this is play orientated or visual.
I will prepare all resources and obtain what is necessary for their learning.
Learning journey for each child will help track their progress but also support with their retention.
I am flexible and adaptive and will aim to work around you and the child’s need.
For phonics I am Sounds write trained which is a very hands on approach. I mix this in with other methods when necessary to help get the most out of the sessions.
Maths I have done a Singapore approach and highly value the CPA method of learning and using real life relatable experiences to help them understand the value of maths.
English I have taught through the talk for writing approach and this covers both fictional and non fictional texts. Allowing room for creativity to help motivate their writing and drive by using interests that are close to them.
I have also taught French and Spanish at a primary level.
I am open to teaching the wider curriculum with regards to science, religion, PSHE etc
Please do feel free to contact me if you have any questions or requests.
I am very willing to accommodate to your needs and what is required.
Look forward to hearing from you
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