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Town/city/borough Gailey, Calf Heath, Four Ashes
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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Sanah in a nutshell
I have experience teaching English as a foreign language. I have been a SEND teaching assistant. I Many ideas on how to make my sessions exciting and interactive, ones you’ll never forget.
We will work out what your learning style first is, whether that is kinaesthetic, audio, visual. We will trail and error a few teaching methods that will be desirable to you.
They will never be boring, you’ll...
I have experience teaching English as a foreign language. I have been a SEND teaching assistant. I Many ideas on how to make my sessions exciting and interactive, ones you’ll never forget.
We will work out what your learning style first is, whether that is kinaesthetic, audio, visual. We will trail and error a few teaching methods that will be desirable to you.
They will never be boring, you’ll always take something away from the session. And from my many years of education I have found reciting back as though you are the teacher has wonders for your retention of information. Allowing you to hold and memorise what you have learnt more
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