. As a humble person, I love being funny in class once in a while, but I realized it makes some students lose focus of why they are in the class. I realized some came to my class to laugh so I decided to put in some check and balance. I know it is good to be hilarious and humorous once in a while in the class as it help to refresh the student but it should be very brief and students should be mad...
. As a humble person, I love being funny in class once in a while, but I realized it makes some students lose focus of why they are in the class. I realized some came to my class to laugh so I decided to put in some check and balance. I know it is good to be hilarious and humorous once in a while in the class as it help to refresh the student but it should be very brief and students should be made to understand that there is time for everything including time to be hilarious and time for work. Also, to ensure all are paying attention to the lecture, I maintain eye contacts and ask questions.
A teacher must be hard working and dedicated to the students. A teachers reward actually comes from the success of the students. When the students are successful, then the teacher is successful.
As a teacher, I also have the responsibility of organizing and overseeing extracurricular activities for students and that includes clubs and games.
Students’ well-being enhancement is very important for success of the students. So I advise an educational system that give parents and teacher opportunity to work together for the wellbeing of children.