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Town/city/borough Hounslow (London)
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience Response time <strong>100%</strong> Response time 100%
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Sameerkhan in a nutshell
I would start off with some common words for the student to understand, memorise, and practice. I would say the word/phrase and would then ask the student to repeat. We would start off with singular words and phrases then moving on to longer sentences when they are comfortable. I would try to point to things to give them a visual idea of the word.
I would start off with some common words for the student to understand, memorise, and practice. I would say the word/phrase and would then ask the student to repeat. We would start off with singular words and phrases then moving on to longer sentences when they are comfortable. I would try to point to things to give them a visual idea of the word.
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